Other Properties


Miscellaneous properties for configuring an Linked Grid, UX, .a5w page, or other object embedded in the Grid Layout using the Linked Grid control.


Force a column break before, after, or both before and after this control.

Cell in-line style

Specify style attributes that override the settings inherited from the style sheet.

Column heading

Specify the column heading

Column Span

Set the number of columns that the control will span.

Freeform layout

Specify if this row should display just this field, or allow a freeform layout.

Freeform template

Specify the layout template for this row

Heading in-line style

Specify style attributes that override the settings inherited from the style sheet.

Heading prefix

Specify text or an image that should be displayed to the left of the column heading. You can use HTML tags in the text.

Hide column

Do not display this column in the Grid. (Note: The control in this column can still be displayed in another column if you convert that column to a freeform layout.)

Hide row

Do not display this control in the Form.

Label Bubble Help Text

Enter the text to show up as Bubble Help when the user hovers over the label.

Label prefix

Specify text or an image that should be displayed to the left of the row label. You can use HTML tags in the text.

Row label

Specify the row label

Row label in-line style

Specify style attributes that override the settings inherited from the style sheet.

Row label position

Specify where the label is positioned relative to the control.

Security Groups

Select which security groups can see this column. If no groups are selected, all users can see the column.